Monday, June 9, 2008

The Final Show

Today's episode marks the final airing of Worship the Glitch on KCPR. The past two years doing this show and my past three years as KCPR DJ have been amazing and I feel privileged for being able to share all of this music with my listeners. As a going away present of sorts I am putting together a compilation of some of the shows favorite artists and songs to give away. Copies will be limited to 30, but the good news is that they will be free, first come first serve. If you would like a copy you can send your mailing information to and I will send you a copy as soon as I complete them. The compilation has not been completed yet, but please be patient, they'll be done in the next couple weeks. Thank you all for listening.

Monday, June 2, 2008

A Crystal Skull in Peru

The track by Cloaks, which dominated this show, is simply put, superb. Piano, tapes, and bells ooze together in a long playing expanse of around 30 minutes. The track could be likened to a synthesis of Oval's "Do While" and Reich's piano works, but those comparisons should only be taken as starting points for describing something that easily stands on its own. Along with the caring and beautiful packaging this CD-R is a must have, hopefully there are still some left at Aquarius Records, where I found it. You can also listen to the podcast of the show here.